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West Coast Poverty Center


West Coast Poverty Center at the University of Washington
Physical Location:  School of Social Work, Room 101
Mailing Address: PO Box 354900, Seattle, WA 98105
Phone: (206) 616-2858

Find an Expert

WCPC Faculty Affiliates with expertise on many aspects of poverty are available to help you with specific background information, expert advice, or quotes related to breaking poverty issues. Find an expert.

For media inquiries, please contact the Center Research Director, Shannon Harper, by email here, phone at (206) 685-7727 or by using the Contact Form below.

Contact Form

You can send us a message or register for any of our listserves by using the contact form below and selecting the appropriate category from the drop down menu. If you would like to register for multiple lists, you will need to resubmit the form for each list you would like to be added to or note the multiple lists in your message text.  Thanks!

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